nuget nuget


IIS 整合管線中的OWIN 中介軟體


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IIS 整合管線中的OWIN 中介軟體

請注意, Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb nuget 套件會 OwinHttpModule 註冊。 一般而言, HttpModule 會透過 Web.config 檔案在IIS 中註冊,但 Microsoft.

What is the difference between Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb and ...

Basically it's meant to run managed code, without ASP.NET, in IIS - to provide your own OWIN middleware on top of that.

install-package Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb fails

In VS2015 I used Tools->Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings then selected Nuget Package Manager -> Package Sources and checked ...

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 3.0.1

An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications.

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 4.2.1

OWIN server that enables OWIN-based applications to run on IIS using the ASP.NET request pipeline.

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.zh-Hant 4.1.0

此套件包含ASP.NET Host for OWIN Web Applications 的繁體中文附屬組件。

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 4.1.1

OWIN server that enables OWIN-based applications to run on IIS using the ASP.NET request pipeline.

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 4.1.0

OWIN server that enables OWIN-based applications to run on IIS using the ASP.NET request pipeline.

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.zh-Hant 4.2.0

此套件包含ASP.NET Host for OWIN Web Applications 的繁體中文附屬組件。

Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 4.2.2

An easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring, long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET applications.

請注意,Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWebnuget套件會OwinHttpModule註冊。一般而言,HttpModule會透過Web.config檔案在IIS中註冊,但Microsoft.,Basicallyit'smeanttorunmanagedcode,withoutASP.NET,inIIS-toprovideyourownOWINmiddlewareontopofthat.,InVS2015IusedTools->NugetPackageManager->PackageManagerSettingsthenselectedNugetPackageManager->PackageSourcesandchecked ...,Aneasyandreliablewaytoperform...